
martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Els alumnes de 6è aprenen anglès jugant! Un cop a la setmana, dividim la classe en dos grups. Un grup fa classe d’speaking i l’altre es queda a la classe fent racons en anglès, on juguen a jocs per desenvolupar la seva competència comunicativa. Juguen a jocs com per exemple: Taboo, Hedbanz, UNO o jocs de taula amb preguntes i respostes en anglès.

6th graders learn English by playing! Once a week, we divide the class into two groups. One group goes to the speaking class and the other goes to the corners class where they play games to develop their communicative competence. They play games such as: Taboo, Hedbanz, UNO or board games with questions and answers in English.

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⛱ Hello KIDS !!! ⛱ As you may already know this is the last week! We enjoyed so much learning and playing with you, it has been...